Who exactly is Timonwa
The short story
Hi! Call me Timonwa. I'm a/an:
- Frontend Developer. I love to transform UIUX designs and ideas into amazing-looking and responsive websites.
- Technical Writer. I write notes on the languages/tools used in web development. You can view these notes on my blog.
- Open-source Contributor. I build and maintain an open-source project called Tech Roadmap and contribute to other open source projects.
(Want the long story, you can read it here.)
Her skills
These are the tools and languages I use to aid the creative workflow:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SCSS, Styled-components, Ant Design, TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, Markdown,
ReactJs, NextJs, Redux Toolkit, VueJs, NuxtJs, Vuex
Git, GitHub, VsCode, Vercel, Netlify, Figma, Canva
Slack, Trello, Notion, Jira, Google Docs
Where she has worked
Where she has Volunteered
Her latest articles
Connect with her
You can connect with me through the following social platforms: LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, GitHub, Hashnode, Dev.to, Polywork Peerlist, and Daily dev.
You can also send me an email or say hi through the form below.